Energetic Street Art and Stunning Tattoo Art

Beste Nederlandse lezers,

Vanwege de “zomer” drukte lukt het mij (tot mijn spijt) helaas niet om deze publicatie in 2 talen te schrijven.  Ik  hoop dat jullie desondanks dit artikel met plezier zullen lezen en bekijken.

Met hartelijke groetjes,


Artistic electricity boxes.

I am sure you have seen the dull grey boxes that sit on streets of every town and city, housing the cabling for phone and electricity. When you walk through Carvoeiro, you can’t miss them! These are different though, artistically decorated, and cheerful electricity boxes that brighten up every street in the centre.  Every day, during my doggie walk, I pass these works of art and they always make me happy.

Phil Francis 

So, who is the artist behind this great idea? Let me introduce you to Phil Francis.

Phil started to draw after being unable to work for 2 years having had back surgery. With great discipline and determination, he devoted 7 hours a day to learning how to draw and paint and – the results are here for you to see – amazing!

Phil came up with the idea of transforming the dull and boring boxes after visiting the city of Porto. In the famous Rua das Flores (see my article Porto City Walk) he saw similar painted boxes and an idea kept playing in his head, especially when he started to notice how unattractive these grey boxes really were.

About 5 years ago, after being motivated by friends, Phil went to the local Council to show them his idea which, of course, they fell in love with! Soon after that he received permission to start the transformation. Phil enlisted the help of his friend Hélder José and together they started the project. Hélder runs his own graphic design company “Style Spectrum” and is a very talented graffiti artist.

Phil Francis and Hélder José working on the image of “Nossa Senhora da Encarnação” (our village saint)

Vida Algarvia

The project was called Carvoeiro Boxes themed “Vida Algarvia” which means Algarve life. It was agreed that the artwork should relate to the Algarve and the location in which the boxes were. They started in the “Rua dos Pescadores” soon followed by the “Rua do Farol”, Rua do Barranco” and many other places. A total of 120 boxes have been completed and now brighten up Carvoeiro centre.

Phil still had a dream and last year was able to make that dream come true by opening a Tattoo shop in Carvoeiro. Phil’s tattoos are all original design and he is specialized as a Dotwork Artist!

You will find Phil’s  Tattoo shop  “Tattoo Studium”  in Estrada do Farol, Carvoeiro. His studio is a masterpiece of art and well worth a visit!

For the Instagram link to Tattoo Studium click here

Some more  of my favourites …..

I won’t show you all 120 boxes, so there’s still something to discover when you walk through Carvoeiro…. Keep your eyes open because some of them are quite tucked away.

You can follow Carvoeiro Boxes on Facebook and Instagram.                

Stairs, waste containers and walls

Last but not least, I would also like to show you some of their other incredible work. Not on boxes but on stairs, waste containers and walls. We are so lucky to have Phil and Hélder in Carvoeiro !

Thank you, Phil and Hélder! I really hope you will continue to brighten up Carvoeiro and the rest of the Algarve.


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Energetic Street Art and Stunning Tattoo Art

Artistic electricity boxes.

I am sure you have seen the dull grey boxes that sit on streets of every town and city, housing the cabling for phone and electricity. When you walk through Carvoeiro, you can’t miss them! These are different though, artistically decorated, and cheerful electricity boxes that brighten up every street in the centre.  Every day, during my doggie walk, I pass these works of art and they always make me happy.

Phil Francis 

So, who is the artist behind this great idea? Let me introduce you to Phil Francis.

Phil started to draw after being unable to work for 2 years having had back surgery. With great discipline and determination, he devoted 7 hours a day to learning how to draw and paint and – the results are here for you to see – amazing!

Phil came up with the idea of transforming the dull and boring boxes after visiting the city of Porto. In the famous Rua das Flores (see my article Porto City Walk) he saw similar painted boxes and an idea kept playing in his head, especially when he started to notice how unattractive these grey boxes really were.

About 5 years ago, after being motivated by friends, Phil went to the local Council to show them his idea which, of course, they fell in love with! Soon after that he received permission to start the transformation. Phil enlisted the help of his friend Hélder José and together they started the project. Hélder runs his own graphic design company “Style Spectrum” and is a very talented graffiti artist.

Phil Francis and Hélder José working on the image of “Nossa Senhora da Encarnação” (our village saint)

Vida Algarvia

The project was called Carvoeiro Boxes themed “Vida Algarvia” which means Algarve life. It was agreed that the artwork should relate to the Algarve and the location in which the boxes were. They started in the “Rua dos Pescadores” soon followed by the “Rua do Farol”, Rua do Barranco” and many other places. A total of 120 boxes have been completed and now brighten up Carvoeiro centre.

Phil still had a dream and last year was able to make that dream come true by opening a Tattoo shop in Carvoeiro. Phil’s tattoos are all original design and he is specialized as a Dotwork Artist!

You will find Phil’s  Tattoo shop  “Tattoo Studium”  in Estrada do Farol, Carvoeiro. His studio is a masterpiece of art and well worth a visit!

For the Instagram link to Tattoo Studium click here

Some more  of my favourites …..

I won’t show you all 120 boxes, so there’s still something to discover when you walk through Carvoeiro…. Keep your eyes open because some of them are quite tucked away.

You can follow Carvoeiro Boxes on Facebook and Instagram.                

Stairs, waste containers and walls

Last but not least, I would also like to show you some of their other incredible work. Not on boxes but on stairs, waste containers and walls. We are so lucky to have Phil and Hélder in Carvoeiro !

Thank you, Phil and Hélder! I really hope you will continue to brighten up Carvoeiro and the rest of the Algarve.



  • Els 09/09/2020 at 8:45 pm Reply

    This is really stunning,I like it very much.
    Great artist and great ideas
    Go on boys this make the world happy.

    • johanna 11/09/2020 at 9:59 am Reply

      Thanks Els, with a little bit of luck they will do new projects !

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