Ritorno a Roma II
Last time I took you to Rione Trastevere and Rione Prati, two beautiful neighbourhoods on the other side of the Tiber River. Today we start…
Last time I took you to Rione Trastevere and Rione Prati, two beautiful neighbourhoods on the other side of the Tiber River. Today we start…
De vorige keer heb ik je meegenomen naar Rione Trastevere en Rione Prati, twee prachtige buurten aan de andere kant van de rivier de Tiber.…
Back to Rome! It is Sunday 4 July and, after an early three-hour drive, I arrive at Lisbon airport. I have to pinch myself every…
Terug naar Rome ! Het is zondag 4 Juli en na autorit van 3 uur in alle vroegte, zit ik nu op het vliegveld van…
Azulejos Another beautiful part of Portuguese culture and history. These beautiful handmade tiles are a subject that I could fill many pages with because you…
Azulejos Alweer zo´n mooi onderdeel van de Portugese cultuur en geschiedenis. Deze prachtige handgemaakte tegels zijn een onderwerp waarmee ik vele pagina´s zou kunnen vullen…
Se perguntarem à minha família e aos meus amigos – “qual a cidade favorita da Johanna?” – provavelmente todos te darão a resposta certa! Sou…
O meu encontro às cegas no Porto….. durante muito tempo hesitei sobre se deveria contar-vos esta história 😉 mas decidi fazê-lo, porque este “passeio/encontro” é…
My blind date in Porto…..I hesitated for a long time about whether I should tell you this story 😉 but today I decided to just…
Mijn blind date in Porto…..ik heb lang getwijfeld of ik jullie dit verhaal zou vertellen😉. Maar vandaag heb ik besloten het gewoon maar te doen…
Olhão The last time we interrupted our tour in the idyllic town of Tavira, so that’s where we start from today. I have deviated from the…
Olhão De vorige keer hebben we onze tour onderbroken in het idyllische stadje Tavira. Dus daar pikken we vandaag de draad weer op en vertrekken…
Folar Folar is a traditional Portuguese bread served at Easter. The recipe varies from region to region and it may be sweet or savoury. Folar…
Folar Folar is a traditional Portuguese bread served at Easter. The recipe varies from region to region and it may be sweet or savoury. Folar…
Folar Folar is a traditional Portuguese bread served at Easter. The recipe varies from region to region and it may be sweet or savoury. Folar…
Touring through Portugal with “Droomhuis Gezocht” So, we are all still in lockdown! Today I decided to delve into the files of “the old days”…
Touren door Portugal met “Droomhuis Gezocht” Omdat we allemaal nog steeds in lockdown zitten heb ik besloten maar eens in de “oude doos” te duiken.…
Florença Como prometido, hoje partilho algumas das minhas experiências na linda cidade de Florença e claro, uma receita Toscana. Firenze em italiano. Florença, a cidade…
Het is lente ! Het is Maart en de lente is definitief aangebroken. Het hele landschap is bedekt onder een levendige gele kleur. Het lijkt…